Tuesday, July 04, 2006

....here are some whale bones drying,,,,a castaway pound,,,,sun's reflection in water,,,,and kelp in water...........what a quiet morning.....spiritual....
Burgeo Morning
Last weekend we went to Burgeo. Here are some pictures of a peaceful, early morning rise 'down the arbour'.
Point Au Mal

A couple of weeks ago my family and I went to Point au Mal and walked on the beach. We were told that there were some Artic Terns nesting there and you could see the nests up close. As we began walking on the beach we started to pick up sand dollars. We were amazed, we couldn't walk without stepping on them. We had our pockets full......finally, we had to say enough and stop picking them up. Later that day when we got home we counted 100 sand dollars that we had picked up.
The kids were fascinated by the Tern's nests, you could walk right up to them and see the eggs. There were also plover (semi-palmated) in the area because the birds did some crazy dance as we were getting closer, or they were distracting us. Here are a couple of pictures from that day.
:) LAST COURSE :) Oh, happy day!!!!

Well, I am happy to report that I have started my last course for my Master's of Education in Literacy. I started my three week stint at Marble Mountain yesterday, July 3rd. It appears that it will be an exhausting but challenging three weeks that we will spend analyzing our collected data and writing a research document based on findings. I am certain that we will learn 'something' in the process. If we can get past the pastries and the daily dancer we'll be fine.
I guess this would be a fitting time to update my blog since this is where I learned of blogging one year ago.