Thursday, July 28, 2005


Class Reunion

Well, last night we had our High School Reunion for the graduates of '85. I left my Master's course at Marble Mountain, made a three hour drive to Burgeo to attend an unforgettable night. It was all a little strange at first and I had my share of butterflies but after the Meet and Greet and the figuring out of who was who, it was like we were shot back in time. We were all in a time warp and we didn't leave it until the wee hours of the morning. My husband and I just so happened to be in the same graduating class and dated, (we were in the same kindergarten class too), so it was especially exciting for us. The night started with a Meet and Greet, then we had a potluck supper which was absolutely fabulous, everything from Crab's legs, cod, to chili and meatballs and dessert. We prepared a slideshow that included pictures from highschool and everyone enjoyed it immensely. This was all followed by a dance!!!! I drove back to my Master's course this morning at 7:15, very tired but still rushing will adrenaline. I saw three caribou on the way right next to the road. I thought of you Michele WOW! I'm heading back down to Burgeo Friday or Saturday to enjoy the Sand and Sea Festival that started there today and to enjoy walking on the beach and relaxing with my family.

Sunday, July 24, 2005

Here are some pictures of the hike. The first picture is really neat. Walking down the hill my five year old son said look at the fingers and we couldn't believe the way the rocks were formed.


Pine Tree

Here are some pictures of that hike!


Pine Tree

Yesterday, my family and I hiked up to the top of Pine Tree Hill, finally. A lot of my friends have been doing this on a regular basis for years. I have been wanting to do this for soooo long and finally I convinced everyone to do it. You have to park your vehicle a the bottom of the road and then hike the road, it takes you to the top. It's not like a rough trail or anything but it does take awhile. It took us about three and a half hours to hike up, have a snack and hike down. (that's with two kids, one five the other eight) On the way up we saw moose footprints on the road and got very excited about the prospects of seeing Mr. Moose. My husband kept saying to the kids that he saw a moose just to encourage them along because they were getting a little tired. We were almost to the top when I spied Mr. Moose trotting down the road in front of us. He stopped, we stopped. We tried to get as close as we could but didn't because he got wind of us and scampered down over a steep incline into the woods. At the top of this hill there is a radar for Nav Canada (it looks like a giant soccer ball and a tower for Fisheries and Oceans and Canadian Coast Guard. At the top you can see the bay, and Indian Head, and right down past Fox Island River. We thought we would be able to see Stephenville proper but no luck. Pine tree hill is located in the back of Stephenville but you have to drive to Port au Port to get there.

Saturday, July 23, 2005


New Name

Okay, I went ahead and changed the title of my blog. I decided that since a blog is like a diary or journal of ongoing things I will add adventures to this blog that my family and I partake in this summer. I will keep you updated on where mandogrl will be going, what she will be doing and pictures she will have taken. I will keep adding pictures of Burgeo and its surrounding beaches so that will not be dead completely.

I just wanted everyone to know that this blogging all started during my masters course this week that I am taking at Marble Mountain. We learned this as a part of the 'new literacies' that are out there and I am absolutely fasicnated by the thoughts of this in the classroom for all children. The more I think about it the more I think I will either create a new blog or rename this one as I understand it more.

Thursday, July 21, 2005

I have added some links to Burgeo in my sidebar. I will continue to add links on Burgeo and kayaking. I hope you enjoy. By the way, for those who do not know, Burgeo is a small community on the South West Coast of Newfoundland.


Second Beach

This is my very first blog! Yahoo!!! I have created a blog about the beaches in Burgeo (my hometown) and the surrounding area. Every time I visit I will take and collect pictures for others to view.


Burgeo Beaches

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