Sunday, July 24, 2005


Pine Tree

Yesterday, my family and I hiked up to the top of Pine Tree Hill, finally. A lot of my friends have been doing this on a regular basis for years. I have been wanting to do this for soooo long and finally I convinced everyone to do it. You have to park your vehicle a the bottom of the road and then hike the road, it takes you to the top. It's not like a rough trail or anything but it does take awhile. It took us about three and a half hours to hike up, have a snack and hike down. (that's with two kids, one five the other eight) On the way up we saw moose footprints on the road and got very excited about the prospects of seeing Mr. Moose. My husband kept saying to the kids that he saw a moose just to encourage them along because they were getting a little tired. We were almost to the top when I spied Mr. Moose trotting down the road in front of us. He stopped, we stopped. We tried to get as close as we could but didn't because he got wind of us and scampered down over a steep incline into the woods. At the top of this hill there is a radar for Nav Canada (it looks like a giant soccer ball and a tower for Fisheries and Oceans and Canadian Coast Guard. At the top you can see the bay, and Indian Head, and right down past Fox Island River. We thought we would be able to see Stephenville proper but no luck. Pine tree hill is located in the back of Stephenville but you have to drive to Port au Port to get there.

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