Saturday, March 24, 2007


The Pentagon

The Pentagon stove.

Outside the Pentagon

What a glorious day here today. How could you not be outside on this wonderful winter (ahem, I mean spring ) day. When Chris St. Clair said that everything was looking like spring (on the weather channel) he was not referring to Newfoundland. Well, today we took the kids and skiied to the pentagon or the warm up shack or the mug up shack, whatever you want to call it. We have been trying to get in with the kids all winter and this was the day. We packed a lunch and left home at around 12 noon. I should explain for those non-whalebackers that the Pentagon is not in Washington, D.C. but in the middle of the whaleback nordic ski trail here in Stephenville. It is about three km in the trail, not too far for the kids. You can even sleep there, they have one big top bunk and lots of people have enjoyed many nights there. We got there and had a mug up (sandwiches and hot chocolate), put in the wood stove and just enjoyed the day. We saw a lot of animal tracks on the way.... rabbits, squirrels, fox and possibly coyote but we didn't see any wildlife except for the occasional skiier. Here are a few pics!

What an incredible day and what wonderful skiiers! True athletes in the making.
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