Tuesday, April 10, 2007
MYC Composition
This was a message that Graham Oliver sent out to everyone who was associated with the ski club in any way, shape or form, this past winter. You can see him skiing down the Kamikazee in the slideshow above.
Hi Folks: Recently James Benoit had to do a composition for Music for Young Children and just have a peek of what this young man thinks of winter. Whaleback plays very neatly into his thoughts of winter as it does in ours. This is what he wrote:
"I like winter snow,,,,
I like winter snow
So I can ski,,,,down the kamikaze
Whaleback is the place to be,,,come along and follow me
Here I go down the hill,,,,,watch me go what a thrill...."
(And in the photo you have James skiing down the Kamikaze during the Christmas break. Very appropriate indeed! Now just think how many more people we would have skiing at Whaleback if they were all thinking like James .... what a poem for ACTIVE LIVING. Yeah for James! Hey James it ranks right up there with Albert Stewart's composition:"Kicken' n a Gliden' doin' the Snowy Owl... Yeah Kickin' and a Gliden' Doin' the Snowy Owl. ,,,,Take a look .... will also send a few photos of a virtual tour of the trails at Whaleback today in case you couldn't make it out today.Salut, Graham
Hi Folks: Recently James Benoit had to do a composition for Music for Young Children and just have a peek of what this young man thinks of winter. Whaleback plays very neatly into his thoughts of winter as it does in ours. This is what he wrote:
"I like winter snow,,,,
I like winter snow
So I can ski,,,,down the kamikaze
Whaleback is the place to be,,,come along and follow me
Here I go down the hill,,,,,watch me go what a thrill...."
(And in the photo you have James skiing down the Kamikaze during the Christmas break. Very appropriate indeed! Now just think how many more people we would have skiing at Whaleback if they were all thinking like James .... what a poem for ACTIVE LIVING. Yeah for James! Hey James it ranks right up there with Albert Stewart's composition:"Kicken' n a Gliden' doin' the Snowy Owl... Yeah Kickin' and a Gliden' Doin' the Snowy Owl. ,,,,Take a look .... will also send a few photos of a virtual tour of the trails at Whaleback today in case you couldn't make it out today.Salut, Graham